Daiwa Saltist Power Spin Rods ~

Original price was: R3,499.90.Current price is: R2,890.00.

Daiwa Saltist Power Spin Rod:


  • Reel Seat-FUJI DIPS.
  • Guides-New Fuji Concept O Ring.
  • Packing-Semi Hard Travel Case.
  • Carbon-HVF High volume Carbon.
Weight 8 kg

11.6ft, 12.6ft

Phone Us Today!
(012) 546 0243

521 Gerrit Maritz
Pretoria North


The new range of Daiwa Saltist rock and surf rods has arrived in South Africa. These rods are really a step up. Using the new HVF (High Volume Fibre) graphite, the latest Fuji MNAG guides, Fuji reel seat, polished finish and a really unique grip configuration, these rods stand apart. This range is extensive with a rod for all shore angling requirements, including spinning. Matched with the Daiwa Saltist multiplying or spinning reels you will certainly be in possession of a top notch combination.

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