Self-Cocking Fiberglass Pistol Crossbow ~

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  • Self-Cocking Feature: Simple and safe while ensuring precise string alignment
  • ‘Auto-Safety’ mechanism which engages when cocking
  • Recurve Pistol Grip Crossbow
  • Bolt retainer
  • Solid Resin construction
  • High tech fiberglass limb
  • Adjustable Stock
  • Forearm Grip
  • Tactical adjustable grip
  • High-Tech fiberglass limb
  • Upgraded front sights
  • Track Style For Greater Control & Accuracy With Aluminum Bolts
  • Draw Weight 80 lbs
  • Bolt / Arrow Speed : 185 FPS
  • Power Stroke 6″
  • 3 x 6.5″ aluminium bolts & a pre-waxed 80lb string included.
Weight 13 kg

Black, Green

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(012) 546 0243

521 Gerrit Maritz
Pretoria North


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With it’s new look military styling, the Alligator bow is the latest design in pistol crossbow technology. Featuring sturdy but lightweight, Adjustable Stock, resin construction with fiberglass cross limb and the well known, special self-cocking action. The self cocking feature is simple and safe to use and insures precise string alignment shot after shot. Simply hold the front tooth and rear lever while bending down the middle after depressing the locking latch. During the self cocking action a safety lever is automatically engaged to ensure safe operation at all times during use. Featuring a built in auto-safety mechanism which will engage while cocking, reducing accidental firing. Boasting upgraded front sights and a fully adjustable front tactical grip system and Adjustable Stock. The moulded hand adjustable Forearm Grip can be used either one or two handed in a variety of positions.
The Alligator is an 80 lb rated Self Cocking Pistol Crossbow, propelling its aluminum bolts at speeds of 185fps. Has the NEW Fast Cocking System, because of this, it is possible to cock the Recurve Crossbow without the use of a lot off force, and Fast. Built in Auto Safety! This 80 lb crossbow shoots longer distances and is very accurate with Aluminum Bolts. Equipped with an 11 mm rail for the mounting of a scope, laser or red dot. The pistol crossbow comes complete with 3 crossbow arrows (bolts) and a sight.
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